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James W Brown DDS

We enjoy hearing from our patients! To leave a testimonial of your own, please use the button below.

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I'd be lying if I didn't admit that getting my first filling at age 61 wasn't a little unnerving, at the outset. Additionally, when Dr. Brown said under his breath, "Oh yeah, we won't need ANY numbing agent for this!" I did crack a bit of a sweat. However, both he and his assistant explained everything that they were about to do, what they were doing, as well as what had just occurred. Very, very reassuring. The entire active part of the procedure took fewer than 20 minutes. It was a cavity on the face of what patients call our "front tooth" (those in the profession call #8). Armed with the caveat of not to eat or drink for an hour, I departed from Dr. Brown's office, pain-free. Great guy! Extremely professional and warm staff. Truly a great experience.

Ileta Sumner

I would recommend every one I know to go to this dentist. The staff was wonderful , polite and professional. DR.JAMES W.BROWN is definitely a professional and he cares about his patients just as much as his work. I grantee you will satisfied.

Eric Spruill

Our Visit with Dr. James W. Brown was very welcoming from the moment we walked in, the front staff was friendly and helpful. Dr. James W. Brown was very honest and understanding to our dental needs. He did a wonderful job that I was left with no pain from dental work. He is very good at what he does! If you’re looking for a new dental office he’s a great place to go.

Stacy Almendare

Miss Coretta, the first person you see upon entering the office, immediately greets you with such a friendly, inviting, and warm welcome! Dr. Brown does "Great Work", I am thoroughly pleased with all the staff!! Highly recommend this office!!

Nikki James

I love going to Dr. Brown. The entire staff treats every patient like family. Dr. Brown is very great at what he does and will fix any of your dental needs. They truly take good care of you.

Nicole Owens

Dr. Brown is an exceptional dentist. He is very professional in all his exams and ensures comfort to his patient! His years of experience are definitely shown in his work.

Beatrice Huber

Dr. Brown and his staff are absolutely amazing. They are true professionals and so pleasant everytime I have a visit. The office is accommodating to my schedule, which often changes, but they make it happen! Thank you!

Sylvia Cavazos

Every time I go in the clinic the staff are so friendly and delightful. Erica and Dr. Brown are excellent at what they do. I found my forever dentist and hygienist. They are truly great at what they do.

Lucy Morales

I had a cavity filled a few days ago. Dr. Brown & his assistants are always of the utmost professional. The entire spectrums of his office are great, from the environment to the musical selection. Nice experiences, every time.

Marcus McPeters

Dr. Brown and staff were very nice. Dr. Brown did an examine, explained my problems and made a reasonable and obtainable goal for me.

Delorase Brown

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